Ocfs Child Care Attendance Sheet For Online Classes
You are on this page. Insert name child care daily attendance sheet name time in signature time out signature 6 weeks 2 years 2 5 years over 5 employee duty hours.
Actual times in and out must be recorded in the spaces below check box if child is absent.
Ocfs child care attendance sheet.
Or call the publications hotline. Name time in time out. If there are health care concerns notes must be recorded on the bottom. Daily health care check must be checked after conducted. Search enter a search term in the search field and press enter or the search button to search search. Leach jonathan created date.
In order to design a child care attendance you are required to have a good child care attendance layout. Daily entries must include at a minimum each child s name and arrival and departure time. While designing this sheet you need to focus on many items of the sheet such as font style the font size wordings used on the sheet the file used for designing the sheet etc. Parent guardian escort signature if. You can use different variations of this sheet in combination which. Timely reimbursement to all providers who submit a completed child care attendance sheet for the above programs shall take place within 21 calendar days of the date received by cdr.
The background image of the sheet is also very important to concentrate on. For all nys local departments of social services ldss except for new york city. Month child care is provided. Ccta support center telephone number. Department of education. House number street apt.
Ccta does not currently include the five boroughs of new york city. 05 2018 page 2 of 18 5. Child care attendance sheet child care program tracker child care employee volunteer parent child essential visitors health screening one time attestation for additional information on these required ocfs forms please visit the ocfs website. Actual times in and out must be recorded in the spaces below. Address line 2 floor city state zip county 6. Health check staff initial arrival sign in departure sign out.
Check box if child is absent. Office of children and family services ocfs required forms for family child care providers author. 6 21 2019 2 37 51 pm. Technical help for when you are in the ccta system and have a problem. This layout is responsible for the overall appearance of the sheet. If child was a no show check to indicate parent was contacted.
Ocfs forms and publications unit 52 washington street room 134 north bldg. Child care centers must keep a daily attendance record in accordance with the requirements of the new york city health code article 47 section 47 27 a. Is your mailing address the same as the child care location or home address given above. Yes same as child care location yes same as home address no if no give mailing address below. Daily health check column must be checked after conducted. Stage 1 bridge first 5 programs.
Ldss 4443 5 2014 front new york state office of children and family services child care attendance sheet month. Child care attendance sheet. Cacfp participants may use this form. Office of children and family services ocfs child care time and attendance ccta system informational website.