Na Meeting Attendance Sheet
31 meeting attendance cards this paper written in 2002 is meant to serve as a response to the numerous inquiries we have received from groups regarding meeting attendance cards. However the na meeting proof of attendance service has a fee to cover the expensive licensing costs of the software that we need to purchase and maintain to provide this service.
The way to complete the online proof of na meeting attendance on the internet.
Na meeting attendance sheet.
24 tracking forms in word. Expand attendance sheet the attendance forms offered provide space for about 23 attendees. We will appreciate a member of the group signing this record of attendance at the end of each meeting. When the attendance sheet is signed by all the decision makers it gives strength to the decisions of them. To start the blank use the fill sign online button or tick the preview image of the document. You cooperation is greatly.
The na meeting signing sheet is basically an attendance sheet. It is used to note the names of the people attending a session on a particular date. If you are hosting a big meeting with a large number of attendees you can expand your attendance sheet to fit more people. Aa na meeting attendance sheet date name of group signature. The applicant is expected to fill out all the columns with the expectation of the signature columns. To conclude proof of aa attendance forms are essential and must be filled out with accurate information by the user and must be reviewed by the chairperson before affixing his signature and approval on the form.
Na narcotics anonymous s b step or big book study meeting na narcotics anonymous recovery program meeting attendance log types of meeting indicate both general and specific type. Meeting attendance sheet author. Beneath it is the blank intended to be filled by the head of the group. The sheets are very useful in the case when the meeting is not attended by some top management and the decisions are made and then copy of those decisions are sent to the management. The above named individual is to attend alcoholics narcotics anonymous meetings. Aa na meeting attendance sheet form.
4 13 2009 9 28 07 am. The management of the company has to see which employee of the company of the company has attended the meeting and how the employees have impacted the decisions which were made in the meeting. We are aware of it occurring in parts of north and south america as well as in asia the pacific rim and europe. This includes the pdf generating software e signature software and additional software to prevent the proof of attendance sheets from being modified forged. Please note however that we are. The rows are titled as date name of group and the signature of the participant.
The advanced tools of the editor will lead you through the editable pdf template. In accordance with the 7th tradition of aa na the na meetings on this website are free to attend and are self supporting through donations to the group. The meeting attendance card phenomenon is multinational in scope. To create more rows for attendees copy ctrl c the last row and insert copied cells to retain the original formatting. Beneath these are three columns consisting of numerous rows. Recovery program meeting attendance log xls author.
Attendance record for alcoholics or narcotics anonymous meeting. Attendance allowance form pdf. Enter your official identification and contact details. The signing sheet has is titled as na meeting attendance sheet.

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