Aa Na Log Sheet Google Docs Attendance
Meeting attendance sheet author. 800 766 6779 date of meeting name location fo meeting chairperson s chairperson s signature phone number.
D discussion meeting ca cocaine anonymous sp speaker meeting na narcotics anonymous s b step or big book study meeting na narcotics anonymous recovery program meeting attendance log types of meeting indicate both general and specific type.
Aa na log sheet.
When using a proof of aa attendance form it is relevant that the layout and the format of the form meet. Attendance form for alcoholics narcotics anonymous meetings name. To keep a track of all the people attending the meetings the na meeting signing sheet was devised. The above captioned individual is required by his supervision conditions to attend alcoholics anonymous meetings. Proof of aa attendance form tips. An alcoholics anonymous aa sign in attendance sheet is a unified form that is used to record attendance at aa meetings.
Aa na meeting attendance sheet name attendance log for aa na meeting attendance sheet name attendance log for dates to date location topic speaker chair signature dlsc 8 14 na meeting signature sheets jm26gntabookwnload na meeting signature sheets might not make exciting reading but na meeting signature sheets comes complete with valuable specification instructions na meeting signature sheets. Aa attendance verification log form. Aa na meeting attendance sheet date name of group signature. Recovery program meeting attendance log xls author. The aa alcoholics anonymous sign in sheet will often carry a written explanation to aa representatives that the defendant or individual is required to attend aa meetings and it will ask the group leader to sign the form attesting to the defendant s attendance but to only do so at the end of the meeting to ensure full participation. The above named individual is to attend alcoholics narcotics anonymous meetings.
4 13 2009 9 28 07 am. The na meeting signing sheet. In the years before there weren t as many people taking part in narcotics anonymous as there are today. For instance an aa na attendance sheet can be created for attendees of alcoholics anonymous and narcotics anonymous meetings. Attendance record for alcoholics or narcotics anonymous meeting. Due to this the organization has seen a dramatic increase in people attending meetings.
Whether you are mandated to attend or simply trying to maintain good habits this sheet is an easy way to keep all meetings logged in a single place. Often referred to as a court card the group is asked to validate.

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Register Of Attendance Template Printable Calendar Sign In Sheet Habitual Tardiness Memo Sample